#SCADA #BIM #DigitalTwin #SmartAnalyticsAndScheduling #Supervision #Sustainability


Codra is the French manufacturer of the real-time data platform Panorama Suite: SCADA, Data Historian and Front-end of communication.

Based on our +35 years of experiences and with an installed base of +60,000 licenses worldwide, Codra is positioned as the French leader in Industrial SCADA software.

Our solution Panorama Suite is three standalone, combinable and complementary software packages in a single design suite. Our Suite allows you to collect, centralize, control, operate, analyze and optimize installations to improve operational performance without compromising cybersecurity. Indeed, Panorama is the first SCADA certified and qualified by the ANSSI (the French cybersecurity agency).

With a network of +250 certified integrator partners and +600 people trained per year, our customers have local support to successfully complete their projects of Digital
Transformation, Energy and it in all sectors: Water, Industry, Building Management, Transportation…

The company is based in all France with 3 main offices: Paris, Rennes and Bordeaux. Thanks to an office in Manchester (UK) and in Johannesburg, our Panorama solutions has been deployed in more and more companies worldwide. We just opened new countries such as: Italy, Spain, Portugal and new Sub-Saharan African countries also.

Acting as the backbone of your information system, Panorama E2 allows you to collect and process your operating data in a control room and ensure that your installations are managed optimally. At the core of Panorama Suite, this SCADA software will meet all your instrumentation and control needs.

Collect, archive and analyse your data in a simple and powerful analysis tool available locally or in SaaS mode. With Panorama H2, analyse your operational data and make unlimited use of the information it contains!

Telemetry, energy efficiency, equipment management, connected objects, facility operations, control system interoperability… all these activities have one thing in common: converging disparate data flows (OT, IT, IoT) in a communication front end which guarantees your independence across hardware and software layers!


Valery FRIAUDETBusiness Development Manager – East of Europe and Middle East
Immeuble Hélios – 2 rue Christophe Colomb – CS 0851 – 91300 Massy

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0) 1 60 92 34 34 – +33 (0) 7 72 09 37 01



#REUSE #desalination #wastewater

about us :

Faced with growing environmental challenges, SUEZ has been delivering essential services that protect and improve our quality of life for more than 160 years. SUEZ provides its customers with innovative and resilient solutions for water and waste services. With 40 000 employees across 40 countries, the Group works with customers to create value over the full lifecycle of their assets and services, and to drive their low carbon transition. In 2022, SUEZ provided drinking water for 68 million people worldwide and sanitation services for more than 37 million people. The Group generated 8.2 TWh of energy from waste and wastewater. In 2022, SUEZ has generated revenues of 8.8 billion euros*.

Alexandria East Since 2012, SUEZ and its partner, Arab Contractors, have been responsible for the operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant east of Alexandria. This station covers the needs of half the city.
In 2022, the Group was responsible for the extension of the station with the installation of a sludge treatment line, with 4 digesters of 16,000 m3 each, which reduce the volume of sludge produced and generate 65% of the energy required for the operation of the station, i.e. nearly 6 MWh of electricity.

Key figures
– 4,5 million inhabitants served
– 800,000 m3 of wastewater treatment capacity per day
– 6MHz of electricity produced

Since 2014, SERAMM, a dedicated company and subsidiary of SUEZ, has been managing wastewater treatment in five communes of the Aix Marseille Provence Metropolis (Allauch, Carnoux-en-Provence, Marseille, Septèmes-les-Vallons and the Gémenos industrial zone). Its mission is to treat the region’s wastewater to protect the health of its inhabitants and preserve their environment. The Géolide wastewater treatment plant, buried beneath the Stade Vélodrome and designed for 1.8 million inhabitants, treats 70 million m3 per year. Since January 2019, the biogas resulting from the sludge digestion process has been purified and transformed into “biomethane”, then odorized and controlled before being injected into the public natural gas network. A total of 2,500 homes are heated using this resource derived from wastewater.

Key figures
– 1 million inhabitants served by public wastewater systems
– 2,000 km of networks (combined, storm and sanitary)
– 17 communes connected to the GEOLIDE wastewater treatment plant

SUEZ, in collaboration with partner Pizzarotti of Parma, has completely renovated the CUMA plant in Naples. The Group has been operating the plant since 2017, generating a very positive impact on water and the coastal environment thanks to innovative technologies.
– Improved effluent quality
– Biogas production from sludge and 25% reduction in energy consumption thanks to cogeneration
– 80% reduction in sludge elimination thanks to digestion and drying

Key figures
– 1,200,000 inhabitants served
– 209,385 m3/day average capacity
– 7,500 tons/year sludge produced and eliminated


Flabia MESTRECommunications Director Africa, Europe & Central Asia, Middle East, Italy
16 place de l’iris 92040 La Défense

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)1 58 81 23 51 – +33 (0)6 78 53 44 56



#desalination #cryo-separation #innovation #watertech #cleantech #eco-friendly

about us :

The need for drinking water around the world is becoming increasingly pressing. In 2020, 2.2 billion people suffered from a lack of water worldwide, and this number is expected to reach 3 billion by 2030. With 40% of the world’s population currently living less than 100km from the sea and 25% less than 25km, seawater desalination is one of the key solutions to address this global challenge by providing the greatest number of people with secure and sustainable water from an unlimited resource.
However, existing desalination solutions, whether by evaporation or membrane treatment (reverse osmosis), have a negative environmental impact because of the very salty brine and chemicals discharge into the ocean as well as the significant greenhouse gas emissions resulting from high electricity consumptions. Also, due to their large capital and operations costs, they are only accessible to a minority of countries with significant financial resources.
These main hurdles are stopping desalination from going mainstream around the world: this water treatment solution is still considered today as a last resort option for drinking water supply when all other alternatives (surface or groundwater, conservation policy, network efficiency works, wastewater reuse, rainwater storage, etc.) have been exhausted.
Seawards, a young French startup company created in 2021, intends to change this situation by providing a sustainable and affordable desalination solution addressing the limitations of existing desalination methods thanks to the development of an innovative nature-based technology: cryo-separationTM. Thanks to a process extracting fresh water from seawater by combining crystallization technologies and separation of liquid-solid phases by external forces, without adding any chemicals, the solution offers many benefits:
Affordable: Low maintenance (robustness of the process), no chemical consumables and reduced energy consumption and/or partially self-produced on site with the ambition of reducing production costs by 10% to 30% compared to existing solutions
Environmentally-friendly: no use of chemical products for water treatment and no discharge of toxic brine into the marine environment (discharge of slightly saltier seawater <+10% than that of the seawater intake so with no impact on the marine ecosystem)
Agile: reduced land footprint (light pre-treatment), modularity and prefabrication of our units making our solution easily deployable and affordable for all countries.

Seawards plans to set up and start its first technology pilot in an operational environment by mid-2024 in the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille. With an estimated freshwater production capacity of 15m3/day, it will be composed of three main modules: crystallizer, flotation unit and separator (see details on picture). To these core components, we must add other equipment, such as pre-treatment, disinfection and water storage, that will all be containerized in a 40-foot container for shipping. The footprint required for the installation of this desalination unit, as well as for a workspace for the Seawards team, is estimated at about 120m2 (interior).


Hervé DE LANVERSINCo-founder
2 Boulevard Debeaux, 13008 Marseille

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)6 63 91 34 12

Société du Canal de Provence

Société du Canal de Provence

#water, #irrigation, #REUSE, #renewableenergy, #sustainableagriculture, #environment

about us :

Société du Canal de Provence is a French company ensuring water supply to Provence while diversifying its engineering activities in France and internationally. For more than 60 years, Société du Canal de Provence has supported private or public organisations in the development of their hydraulic projects in France and abroad, particularly in the Mediterranean countries.
Société du Canal de Provence focusses on 4 business activities :
A regional concession holder providing water supply in Provence, for all users.
An engineering company providing services to municipalities, communities, farmers and industrial companies in the field of water and environment both in France and internationally. The areas of expertise include IWRM, water transfers, dams, irrigation, flood protection, water treatment,  REUSE and renewable energies.
A service company offering innovating solutions in the field of water and agriculture in rural areas.
A producer of renewable energy, particularly hydroelectricity.

SCP positions itself as one of the main engineering partners for large irrigated perimiters areas and drinking water supply in rural areas around the world. The SCP offers sharp engineering skills in design and management of hydraulic networks :
· Master Plans and agroeconomic studies
· Design and project management of irrigation and drinking water supply networks in rural areas
· Institutional support, accompanying measures and capacity building
· Turnkey irrigation solutions
· Waste water reuse
· Support for farmers in irrigation management through agritech.

In view of an increase water resource scarcity linked to climate change, SCP assists its clients on water REUSE projects in compliance with international and local regulations. Operator of 5 water treatment plants and 20 drinking water treatment units, SCP has a very good knowledge of the issues facing communities, industries, and farmers. SCP has developed know-how for the implementation of integrated REUSE projects, particularly in agriculture, from wastewater entering the treatment plant, to the marketing of agricultural products. SCP’s expertise covers a wide range of areas such as additional treatments, design of the hydraulic network, irrigation techniques for the plot, agricultural production, governance, etc.

SCP is constantly monitoring new technologies and has developped a synergy of skills illustrated by a few examples:
With its SCP-AgriDATA web application, SCP assists farmers in irrigation management and agritech Remote sensing makes it possible to map, evaluate and provide information on the qualitative and quantitative evolution of agricultural and forestry resources.
The Reimu project (Intelligent Multi-use Water Networks) developed by SCP aims to equip its networks with the latest advanced technologies, enabling to optimize O&M, design and monitoring. It also improves customer relations by offering digital services.


Pierre-Yves HORGNIESTerritory Manager Maghreb
Le Tholonet, CS 70064, 13182 Aix-en-Provence CEDEX 5 France

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 4 42 66 70 00 – +33 (0) 6 30 55 25 66



#desalination #solardesalination #seawaterdesalination #brackishwaterdesalination #watertreatment #solarwatertreatment

about us :

The company specializes in innovative water treatment solutions with the use of renewable energy. The first development phase resulted in the industrialization of OSMOSUN, the world’s first industrial product range of seawater and brackish water solar powered desalination plants, with a daily production capacity ranging up to 50 000 m3 with hybridized energy sources. Since 2014, this groundbreaking patented innovation enables communities, public utilities and private organizations from the whole world to produce affordable and sustainable fresh water with no greenhouse gas emission. Our range of solutions is addressing all decentralized needs for water treatment installations.

Sea water solar powered desalination: OSMOSUN SW

Modular, the photovoltaic powered sea water reverse osmosis units (PV-SWRO) OSMOSUN SW adapt to the water needs of the most remote water-stressed areas, to produce between 1 m3 and 50 000 m3 per day from seawater. From the raw water intake to the concentrate management, all stages of an OSMOSUN project are designed based on OSMOSUN’s expertise to be perfectly adapted to the local context of arid locations of the world, to minimize the environmental impact and to optimize its water production cost.

Solar desalination of brackish water: OSMOSUN BW

The photovoltaic powered brackish water reverse osmosis units (PV-BWRO) OSMOSUN BW, dedicated to brackish water produce between 10m3 and 50 000 m3 per day. Modular, OSMOSUN BW units autonomously desalinate up to 50,000 m3 per day. The solar powered reverse osmosis desalination technology developed by OSMOSUN enables brackish water treatment. Water is considered brackish when salinity is lower than sea water and yet saline. We manage brackish water, generally found underground and extracted through boreholes, below 15 grams of salt per liter.

Standalone solar powdered mobile desalination solution: OSMOSUN Nomad.

Robust and rustic, OSMOSUN NOMAD water treatment units integrate all the equipment for the pre-treatment and filtration of sea water, brackish water, water polluted with fluorine or arsenic, to produce drinking water according to the criteria of the World Health Organization. Solution designed for rapid commissioning in a humanitarian, military or natural disaster context. Autonomous production up to 5m3 of drinking water per day powered by solar energy.


Maxime THERRILLIONSales Director
20 avenue Gustave Eiffel, 28630, GELLAINVILLE – FRANCE

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 2 37 34 30 75