#WASH #WaterResources #SafeWater #Sanitation #WaterSecurity #Wastewater
about us :
For 30 years, Hydroconseil has been working to strengthen basic public services for low-income populations in emerging and developing countries.
We have carried out over 1,000 projects, including more than 800 in Africa.
Multidisciplinary and independent, our team of 30 permanent experts provides our international clients with recognised expertise on implementing development projects in the following areas:
– Hygiene and sanitation
– Drinking water supply
– Environmental issues
– Adaptation to climate change
– Integrated water resources management
– Solid waste management
Our experts are involved throughout the project cycle: formulation, implementation and evaluation/capitalisation. Our expertise is recognised in :
– Integrated water resource management
– Improving access to services
– Adapting to climate change
– Social engineering
– Institutional strengthening
– Promotion of small private operators
– Capacity building
– Economic and financial expertise
We operate in 37 African countries, 15 of which on a very regular basis (Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, CAR, DRC…). Our resident experts in Cameroon, Mauritania, Madagascar and Burkina Faso work closely with our clients. This geographical coverage makes us particularly relevant when it comes to implementing complex, multi-country services.
Our network of over 300 local partners provides our customers with a wide range of expertise, which is tailored to the needs and social, linguistic and cultural realities of each country.
Our experts, whether hydrogeologists, hydrologists, hydraulic engineers, economists, lawyers or specialists in institutional or social issues, are passionate about access to essential public services and have spent most of their careers abroad. Skilled, committed, young, multilingual and with equal representation, our team implements a demanding, multi-disciplinary engineering approach, in the service of people and sustainable development, always on the lookout for new approaches.
Recent key projects in African countries include:
_• Development of the Water Supply Master Plan for Greater Antananarivo, Madagascar, 2023-2025, World Bank, 4,5 M€
_• Institutional technical assistance to the Enugu Water Company, Nigeria, 2022-2024, AFD, 640 K€
_• Master plans, feasibility reports and detailed technical studies for the water supply networks of 13 prefectural capitals, __Togo, 2021-2022, AFD, 1 M€
_• Technical assistance to the Federal Ministry of the Environment to help implement solid and plastic waste management __policies, Nigeria, 2021-2022, AFD, 660 K€
_• Technical assistance to the Water and Sanitation Departments as part of a drinking water and sanitation project in the __two’Hodhs’ regions (G5-2H), Mauritania, 2020-2024, AFD, Sahel Alliance, 1,2 M€
_• Project management for the rural water project in the Lake and Hadjer Lamis regions, Chad, 2018-2021, EU, 1,5 M€

Technical assistance
Hydroconseil has completed over 50 technical assistance contracts of between 12 and 60 months in length (project management, project management assistance or contracting authority assistance). In Mauritania, from 2014 to 2023, we assisted the Ministry of Water and Sanitation to implement 3 AFD and EU-funded water and sanitation projects – and this assistance has been extended up to 2028. We have also carried out similar contracts in Cape Verde, Burkina Faso, Benin, Mozambique, Mali, Cameroon, Senegal and Chad. Our international experts and local teams work closely with the project contracting authorities, seeking to improve their capacities and procedures.

We have carried out over 150 evaluations, covering a project, a programme, a strategy, cross-cutting issues, etc.
We have evaluated a large number of projects and programs for UNICEF, AFD, Lux-Development, Enabel, Danida, the World Bank, NGOs and decentralized cooperation agencies. In 2018-2019, we evaluated AFD’s €1 billion irrigation portfolio between 1985 and 2017. In 2022, Hydroconseil, alongside Ernst & Young, carried out the ex-post evaluation of 9 French Treasury loans in the water and sanitation sector.
Each evaluation leads to operational recommendations that enable a significant improvement in practices and results achieved in subsequent phases.

Social engineering
We believe that social engineering should be at the heart of development project implementation and that dialogue between technical engineering and social engineering is vital to a project’s success. We have put this belief into practice by providing social engineering services for a wide range of assignments, including projects to improve water supply in poor neighbourhoods of Port-au-Prince, hygiene and sanitation in secondary towns in Senegal, and urban development in N’Djamena, Djibouti, Ouagadougou and Nouakchott. These services have enabled us to develop a rich and varied methodological toolbox, which we are able to adapt to a large number of local contexts.


Email : hydroconseil@hydroconseil.com
Tél. : +33 (0)6 47 21 10 10 – +33 (0)4 90 22 57 80
24 chemin de la Rollande, 84140, Avignon – FRANCE
Website : https://hydroconseil.com/en/