#water supply #sewerage #IWRM #innovation #SDG#irrigation
about us :
BRL Ingénierie is an international consultancy specializing in water, environmental and land use engineering. It is a subsidiary of the BRL Group which manages a large hydraulic network (13 dams, 105 km of canals, 125 pumping stations, 5,000 km of pressurised pipes, 6 drinking water treatment plants, 130,000 hectares equipped for irrigation).
Our 235 employees offer our public and private clients a wide range of services : from master planning to detailed design, supervision of works, technical assistance, economic and institutional studies and project management in the following fields: (i) Water supply and sanitation: production, supply and distribution of drinking water; Collection,regulation,conveyance and treatment of wastewater; Stormwater management; Regulation and Services management; REUSE; (ii) Large water infrastructure; (iii) Integrated Water Resources Management; (iv) Environmental and social impact assessment (v) Irrigation and drainage.
BRL Ingénierie generates 50% of its turnover (€30 million) from exports, with offices in Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Bolivia, Reunion and Madagascar and Uganda (with WE Consult: its subsidiary since 2019)

BRL Ingénierie benefits from the experience of BRL Exploitation in several areas: dam safety, optimisation of energy costs (pumping), reduction of water losses, CMMS, GIS, etc. which it applies to its own projects.

WIMES (Water Information Management Ecosystem and Services)
Software solution to develop customized information systems for flood and drought early warning, decision support and environmental monitoring.

BRLI, a precursor and promoter of the Reuse of Treated Wastewater, has produced a decision support guide for the implementation of this kind of projects. It presents the issues, obstacles and limits of these projects, from the project set-up to the operation of future facilities, in order to make the implementation of the project as efficient as possible.
Guide available on our website:


Email : lucie.grignon@brl.fr
Tél. : +33 (0)6 40 60 95 71 – +33 (0)4 66 87 52 85
1105 avenue Pierre Mendes-France, BP4001, 30001, NIMES Cedex 5 – FRANCE
Website : https://brli.brl.fr