#Automotivesoftware #Softwaretesting #Codeanalysis #Softwaresafety #Softwaresecurity #Cybersecurity
about us :
TrustInSoft’s flagship product is TrustInSoft Analyzer. With TrustInSoft Analyzer, software developers and testers can mathematically guarantee the absence of bugs in their source code and significantly reduce software testing efforts thanks to an advanced source code analysis powered by formal methods.
TrustInSoft is democratizing formal methods for industrial use. For companies for whom the impact of having a bug on the field is significant, TrustInSoft Analyzer provides an easy-to-use, exhaustive static analysis tool for C and C++ programs to identify all troublemaking “undefined behavior” bugs like buffer overflow, uninitialized memory, division by zero, use-after-free, and more. The mathematical analysis detects all bugs and raises very few-to-no false alarms, allowing the developer to keep their focus on real problems that need to be corrected.
Having a mathematical guarantee that these bugs are not in the code provides the software developer and tester with reassurance that software crashes and runtime errors due to these bugs will not occur, and that hackers cannot take advantage of these bugs to take control of the software or access secret data. Companies that use TrustInSoft Analyzer have noted a 4 times decrease in software verification efforts, and a 40 times reduction in bug detection time.

Root Cause Detection –
TrustInSoft Analyzer provides hints to quickly find the root cause. Focus on relevant variables and track all relevant statements involved in the problem.

Keep the focus on real bugs & mathematically guarantee their absence:
TrustInSoft Analyzer raises very few false alarms: alarms correspond to real bugs or vulnerabilities.
You can conclusively obtain mathematical proof of the absence of undefined behaviors with no false negatives.

Efficiently fulfill software requirements of ISO 26262:
TrustInSoft Analyzer is an ISO 26262-qualified tool. With software structural coverage and code coverage strongly recommended by the ISO 26262 standard, its exhaustive static analysis provides the ideal combination of breadth, depth, and speed for developers to prove that their code is free from issues and functional safety risks.

600 California Street
E-mail : contact@trust-in-soft.com
Tél. : +1 (408) 829-5882 – (415) 602-0052