#Mobility #Data #Operations #SaaS #Transportation #Performance
about us :
Flowly is a company specialized in the analysis of mobility data and the performance of transportation networks.
Flowly offers a dedicated web interface aggregating, analyzing and monitoring all transport network mobility data. Flowly has also developed a patented solution based on Origin & Destination sensors and counting systems allowing its clients to collect data and deepen their understanding of the network.
Thanks to the Flowly interface, PTAs and Operations share a common diagnosis and assess together the results of the network’s enhancements, the attendance during important events, the overall performance of the lines, etc.
Our solutions integrate a wide range of tools: analysis and reconstruction of origin and destination flows, analysis of load, transfers between lines, fare evasion & Control operations, travel time supervision, regularity, punctuality, time loss around crossroads, forecasted & real-time load, transport-on-demand and bicycle rides analysis.

Flowly develops a high standard interface aggregating all types of mobility data and allowing its clients to fully understand their network: PTAs are able to continuously assess and optimize their investments towards the needs and satisfaction of the passengers and Operators can monitor the performance of the network and deliver the best service.

Flowly has developed a patented hardware solution installed on vehicles which respectfully collects the passive signals from smartphones and translates them into a continuous analysis of flows and origins-destinations. +1300 buses and trams are currently equipped, providing precious information about the lines.

9 impasse les Tourtereaux, 97411 saint Paul
E-mail : julien.tenenbaum@flowly.re
Tél. : +33 (0)6 92 64 63 56