#AutomaticConnectionDevice, #ACD, #V2G, #charging, #HandFreeCharging, #HFC
about us :
GULPLUG, a startup based in Grenoble (France), is developing SELFPLUG® an Automatic Charging Device (ACD) for Electric Vehicles that unlocks TW.h’s sized of underutilized electricity storage capacity.
GULPLUG vision is that 100% EVs will be plugged in automatically as soon as parked to be used as electricity storage for grid support through V2G. GULPLUG mission is to supply the most robust and the most affordable (ACD) to become the future standard. SELFPLUG® has already been recognized by several Top10 Car Makers as the most robust and the most affordable ACD on the market. Lack of energy storage is a roadblock to energy transition. Nevertheless, there is a massive, underutilized energy storage capacity: Electric Vehicle batteries when plugged to the Grid. SELFPLUG® unlocks TW.h’s sized electricity storage capacity (equivalent to a day of electricity production in either USA or Europe).
With SELFPLUG® EV is no longer a problem for the Grid; it is THE solution.

SELFPLUG® is a conductive ACD (no energy loss), fully automated end to end, easy to integrate in the Vehicle and designed to be V2G compatible.
SELFPLUG® Vehicle Unit (VU) is light and compact, easy to integrate in the Vehicle. SELFPLUG® Ground Unit (GU) is robust, rugged and easy to install, it is a V2G gateway between the Vehicle and the Grid.

32 rue des Berges, 38000 Grenoble – FRANCE
E-mail : antonin.truffy@gulplug.com
Tél. : +33 (0) 6 29 20 86 65