Booth 423/522.C
#Innovation #DirectInLine #NoWetWell #DirectInLinePump #Pumpingsolution #OverWatch
about us :
SIDE Industrie is a French family company specialized for over 30 years in solutions for the pumping of “difficult fluids”. Based on practical expertise in the field, the development of its product range is the result of 30 years of research, and from listening to the daily concerns of its 2500 users worldwide, enabling them today to offer a revolutionary alternative to wastewater lift stations that saves time and money: called DIP (Direct In-line Pump) systems in France and OverWatch (OW) for international markets . They count now over 2500 references (new pumping stations and renovation of existing installations) all over the world.
By lifting gravity effluent directly at the point of entry, without water loading nor a wet well, the OverWatch Direct In-Line Pump overcomes the drawbacks of retained volumes of effluent such as: dangerous gases (H2S), smells, sand and grease accumulation, equipment corrosion, structural erosion, clogged floaters; and offers access safety.
Derived from the OverWatch Direct In-line Pump we also offer the products SIDINOX-PLS (Packaged Lift Stations), Single pumps (DomoDIP, DIPM and PM ) thus covering all sewage, storm water and industrial water activities.
The OverWatch Direct In-Line Pump’s stainless steel body is designed to withstand the effects of corrosion form harsh materials and solutions. All those assets (contained effluent, no odor, no wet well, no blockage, smart sensing, reduced maintenance, …) allows the OverWatch Direct In-line Pump to be the perfect solution for Industrial, Municipal and Commercial applications.
The smart-sensing system adjusts in real-time to manage flow and avoid clogs, guaranteeing continuous operation. Thanks to its patented DIPCut impeller all rags and fibers are shredded to clear any blockage.
The BOOSTER : our latest innovation ! The applications of this new circulator are mainly in the case of collectors and pipes lacking slope, or pipes undergoing point loads, or insufficient pipes.
It makes it possible to increase the flow rate of a gravity pipe from DN 200 to DN 1200 (other dimensions on request). It also allows the forcing of existing pipes within the framework of the fight against flooding.
All those products are sold and manufactured by SIDE Industrie in partnership with Industrial Flow Solutions.

The OverWatch® Direct In-line Booster Pump is an innovative technology that
improves traditional wastewater collection system challenges . The Boosters are derived from the high range of wastewater circulators DIP Systeme®. They allow to increase the flow of an existing gravity pipe from DN 200 to DN 1200.
Having problems with insufficient slope, flow, pipes or damage ?
Boost it out, without replacing the entire line !
The range includes 3 main types: Gravity-fed Booster , Lifting Booster, Booster for high pressure pipes, available with several different types of motors.

The OverWatch® Direct In-Line Pump System is a breakthrough technology designed to lift gravity effluents directly from the inlet without any wet well nor a loading tank. Influent is contained, eliminating odors, and reducing maintenance. The stainless-steel body is designed to withstand the effects of corrosion from harsh materials and solutions, making the OverWatch Direct In-Line Pump System an ideal solution for the Municipal, Industrial and Commercial industries.
The OverWatch® Direct In-Line Pump range allows the implementation of healthy and clean pumping stations up to several thousand of m3/h.

The SIDINOX, also called PLS (Packaged Lift Station) is a READY TO INSTALL lift station concept, made of stainless steel with a 25 year warranty against corrosion and leakage. It is FULLY ECO-DESIGNED, ECONOMICAL, ROBUST, INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE. It incorporates all the advantages of the Direct In-line Pump system and can be installed beneath road surfaces or green spaces. The configuration meets your own needs (range from 1m to 8m high and up to 3m Ø).

E-mail : valerie.joguet@dipsysteme.com
Tél. : +33 (0)1 60 39 52 61
2bis avenue du Général de Gaulle, 77250 Villemer, France
Website : http://www.side-industrie.com/en/