Booth 421/520.B
#equipment #monitoring #water #wastewater #biodiversity
about us :
A nature based solution:
24/7 online water quality biomonitoring & early warning pollution detection (including micropollutants).
At MolluSCAN-eye, we provide a biomonitoring solution to protect aquatic environments. We use connected sentinel oysters (or any other bivalve mollusc) to monitor water quality online 24/7 in fresh water and sea water.
It is a sustainable solution for industrials, cities and agencies to mitigate aquatic pollution and protect the biodiversity across many areas.
molluSCAN-eye is a real technological breakthrough coming from 18 years of research and development at CNRS – University of Bordeaux.
Thanks to oysters, mussels or scallops, we provide to industrials and institutions the possibility to monitor the impact of their activities on the aquatic environment 24/7. Through the well-being and behavior of these connected living animals, a daily health assessment of the aquatic environment is drawn up on the monitored site, without requiring other on-site maintenance.
The molluSCAN-eye solution is a service to evaluate and control the impact on the aquatic environment (wastewater treatment plants, chemical industries, harbors, oil platforms, refineries, construction, offshore wind farms, etc.) as well as for all institutions in charge of managing natural areas.

Perfect combination of electronics and biology.
The molluSCAN-eye solution is easy to set up, inexpensive compared to chemical analyses and does not require human intervention once deployed on site

Waste water discharge monitoring

Harbour water quality monitoring

E-mail : contact@molluscan-eye.com
Tél. : +33 (0)7 86 26 30 14
21 rue Paul Langevin, 33700 MERIGNAC, France
Website: https://www.molluscan-eye.com