Booth 417/516.I
#water analysis #micropollutants #target analysis #spectral-fingerprint #non target-analysis
about us :
Lodiag is a water analysis laboratory specialized in analysis for emerging pollutants (drugs, pesticides, metabolites, narcotics, etc.). Our laboratory is located in Alsace, in the 3 borders region. Specialized in organic micropollutant research in water, we work mainly with drinking water suppliers, local authorities, WWTPs and water treatment companies. Our customers are located mainly in Switzerland, Belgium and France.

The Lodiag laboratory is able to analyze all water type (drinking water, groundwater, salted water, surface water and industrial effluents) thanks to our innovative high-resolution mass spectrometry technology and our database of over 1000 key molecules.
The targeted analysis here focuses on molecules that are mostly outside the regulatory framework. We chose these compounds because their sales tonnages suggest that they will be present in the water cycle, and it was this volume criterion that led us to select these 1,000 compounds from our database.
Renowned for targeted analysis, Lodiag is also the leader in non-targeted with automatic compound identification , a service launched in 2023. Non-targeted analysis is defined as the analysis of all signals (known or unknown) present in samples, without a priori: the objectives here are to highlight or even putatively identify signals using dedicated methods. Made possible by the use of a high- resolution mass spectrophotometer, this service can identify the majority of organic compounds suspected of being present in a fresh or salt water sample. Each signal detected is compared automatically with internal and on-line databases (over 300,000 compounds in all). These molecules come from a wide variety of families: pesticides and drugs, dyes, building blocks, varnishes…..

👉 Lodiag is the leader in this innovative service organic compounds present in a sample and detected by our system.
Recognized for the analysis of organic molecules, our customers also entrust us with the analysis of samples containing unidentified products. We are called upon to analyze and identify unknown compounds in odorous, visually abnormal or differently textured samples. Any request for the identification of organic compounds in a sample can be considered

E-mail : sophie.geley@lodiag.com
Tél. : +33 6 32 18 67 86
16 Allée des Marronniers, 68330 Huningue, France
Website : www.lodiag.com