Booth 417/516.G
#sewage #flooding #pollution #sewagenetwork #innovation #ecofriendly
about us :
F-Reg solutions are designed to combat flooding and waste discharge in cities caused by overflowing sewage systems during heavy rainfall. As a result of new waterproofing and climate change, wastewater and rainwater collection networks are now often undersized in historic areas. As a result, they tend to saturate and overflow with effluent during rainfall, causing urban flooding and, above all, frequent pollution that degrades the biodiversity of our natural environments. Every year in Europe, flooding’s causes million worth damage (13 Billion €/year in Europe) and our cities are dealing with important risks of pollutions caused by these flooding’s.
The authorities are often trying to compensate these problems with large and expensive retention tanks. To counter these phenomena, F-Reg has patented a solution that turns our networks into regulating bodies by mobilizing water collection pipes for storage, thus smoothing the devastating peak flows generated by storms and preventing overflows. Today, F-Reg markets a range of solutions to meet the different needs of local authorities: stand-alone hydrodynamic valves, hydrodynamic regulating-controlled flow valves, tilting weirs, macro-waste traps and more.
The company is involved in projects from A to Z: from the study to analyze project needs (eligibility, sizing, location) through its engineering and design department, to custom 3D design, material manufacturing and finally installation of the solutions. The solutions created by F-Reg not only save local authorities money, but also help them make a commitment to the environment. In fact, the valves designed by F-Reg’s teams are much less expensive to install than rainwater retention basins and require no land. Installation is therefore much simpler, quicker, more eco-friendly, and more sustainable. F-reg solutions also improve the carbon footprint compared with the installation of a retention basin.

The flovalv, a solution patented by F-Reg, uses sewer pipes as a storage area to regulate peak flows of stormwater and thus limit the damage caused by overflows. F-Reg solutions therefore represent an economic and environmental challenge for local authorities. Economical, because our solutions are much less costly than the creation of retention tanks and the purchase of land, and environmental, because they help reduce urban flooding and the discharge of waste into natural landscapes.

Today, we manufacture several types of valves to meet the needs of local authorities. The hydrodynamic self-contained regulating valve (HSV REG) is our most widely installed product. It was developed on the principle of dynamic network management. It is controlled by the water height at upstream which generates the necessary force on the pneumatic cylinders, afterwards generates the opening. Simply it’s the water pressure who drives the valve and controls its flow, without electricity or supervision. Very economic and requires little maintenance. Purposes : Avoid frequent overflow of sewer, ensure a more constant flow to relieve the wastewater pumping station, a wastewater treatment plant and control the peaks flow due to rains

All our valves are custom-designed and manufactured in France for our customers to meet the technical requirements of the installation site. They generally concern networks with diameters from 300mm to 2.50 meters. We only use durable materials to manufacture our valves: AISI 316 stainless steel. The valves are mechanically welded, and installed directly on site. Most valves have opening systems designed using strong gas pistons (acting like springs). Our valves require very little maintenance: the only components subject to replacement are the gas pistons, which are rated for a 5-year service life but are found to last much longer in use.

E-mail : e.curinier@f-reg.fr
Tél. : +33 (0) 9 74 97 03 06 – +33 (0) 6 61 41 26 04
1050 Route de la mer – Biot – 06410
Website : https://f-reg.fr/