Booth 421/520.D
#decalcifier #nomorelimescale #nomoresludge #sludgeeliminator #closedloopstreatment #watertreatment
about us :
The atypical career of Mr. Jean Drago, makes him a very original character in this great world of industry and business. Indeed, he has not always been the entrepreneur that we know to date. Coming from a modest background, he worked like all the sons of the first waves of Italian immigrants, on construction sites before becoming a professional musician.
It was behind a battery that Mr. Drago built his first career with several groups and albums to his credit. Then fate led him to change direction more than 25 years ago and he opened up to business with great success from his first professional experiences.
Self-taught, he decides to create his first company. The treatment of water becomes obvious to him. Indeed, already at that time, issues related to the environment and the health of our children were one of his concerns. And it is only natural that, starting from a small structure where he launched himself on this market of ecological water treatment, (very little developed at that time) that he became manager of the Drag ‘group. water, with its own range of products distributed all over the world !

All closed circuits undergo an oxidation phenomenon which results in the formation of a more or less thick brown to black material. Conventional sludge removal solutions are often complex to implement and do not stop the phenomenon of corrosion.
The chemicals used are very aggressive for the systems and for the environment. This is called “sludge” which is made up of different elements of the system: oxidized metals, proliferation of bacteria, algae. These suspended solids (suspended solids) which charge the heat transfer fluid lead to poor heat exchanges and obstructions in the circuits of equipment holes. These disorders have the effect of increasing consumption and maintenance costs. Specialized in natural water treatment, the Drag’eau company has developed and patented its innovative Drag’eau sludge removal solution which replaces the chemical or hydromechanical sludge removal of pipes.

Anti limescale :
Why install an anti limescale on your installations?
Limescale is one of the elements that make up the water supplied to your sanitary facilities. When the hardness of the water (TH) is high, the limestone damages the installations:
– Scaling or even obstruction of water networks
– Increase in energy consumption
– Reduction of flow and heat exchange
In certain regions of France, the water is very often calcified. This is due to a higher lime content. In addition to the physical feeling, often unpleasant after the shower, the consequences related to limestone are multiple.
Current solutions modifying the characteristics of water are often costly in investment, maintenance costs and consumables. It is important to protect your installation effectively before irreversible damage occurs.
With more than 20 years of know-how in the treatment of physical water, the company Drag’eau has designed and patented the innovative anti-lime solution Drag’eau without equivalence to date. Exceptional efficiency which gives you permanent protection against limescale, descaling, easier cleaning, anti-corrosion protection for your installations as well as a guarantee without maintenance or consumables.

E-mail : jean.drago@drageau.com
Tél. : +33 (0)3 89 23 60 33 – +33 (0)6 60 17 71 16
4 rue Marin la Meslée, Passerelle – 68190 Ensisheim – France
Website : https://drageau.com/