Booth 417/516.C
#robotics #pipe inspection #water sampling #CCTV #3D point cloud #mud level monitoring
about us :
Independent engineering company specialized in the development of innovative robotic products, CT2MC‘s vocation, since its creation in 2012 by Olivier LE MEAUX, is the development and manufacturing of industrial products combining robotics, innovation, composite materials and automation.
To limit its impact on the environment, CT2MC strives to advance the state of manufacturing techniques and develops processes and products that are more environmentally friendly. The use of biosourced materials is part of one of these major axes, as is the choice to base production in France to limit consumption and the impact on resources.
CT2MC operates in different areas:
• The manufacturing of robots for pipe inspections especially in sewerage water background,
• The development, prototyping and manufacturing of robots with composite material integration,
• The manufacturing of several ranges of aquatic drones carrying out environmental monitoring and analysis missions (available for sale or rental):
• The SPYBOAT® range: aerial propulsion drones
• The INN’EAU range: drones with thrust in the water, floats, etc.
• The CAN’EAU range: specific to inspections of confined spaces (pipes, tanks, etc.)
• The inspection services for surface water or confined spaces with the different products in the range.
Our innovation and Research and Development capabilities have been rewarded by several prizes from ADEME (French Ecological Transition Agency), such as recently our project to deploy our aquatic drones rewarded by the call for projects “Companies committed to the ecological transition”.

Equipped with high technology, the CAN’EAU® “Rotating Sonar” collects different types of data:
• Inspection of works (ITV): thanks to its 360° camera and several lamps it can make a continuous video recording of the pipe from all angles. In post-processing, the operators are able to orient themselves in the work as if they were inside it.
• Location: thanks to UWB positioning beacons the operators can situate themselves at any time in the work.
• Sedimentation: using a rotating sonar, creation of a profile sedimentary over the entire structure
• Presence of gas: our products are capable of detecting and locating the presence of gas (H2S, CO, O2 and CH4) in the work
• Digitalization: Embedded lidar technology makes it possible to create sectional views of the horizontal and vertical pipes, to carry out 2D sections of pipe and subsequently create a summary 3D reconstruction (without texture).
• 3D modeling: thanks to photogrammetry, our products models any type of work in 3D , models than can then be into GIS.
• Pipeline trajectory: on-board technologies allow to bring out a file X Y Z and georeference the work.
As an option is the propulsion: 4 aerial turbines for automatic positioning in driving and visual piloting.

Equipped with high technology, the CAN’EAU® “Removal of doubt” collects different types of data thanks to the following functionalities:
• Inspection of works (ITV): its camera 360 allows making a video recording in continuous pipeline from all angles. In post- treatment, the operators can orient themselves in the work as if they were inside.
• Lighting: thanks to several lamps.
Optional :
• Location: Our UWB positioning beacons the operators can situate themselves at any time in the work.

SPYBOAT® were specifically developed to meet the requirements for use in strong currents and lakes with great distances. Our product contains electronic components and algorithms which make it autonomous when conducting its missions. Inspection and sampling operations are performed by manual remote controller with a real-time video feedback and an optional autonomous control via a pad interface.
Technical features of the GOOSE model make it easily transportable on all sites by only one person. A custom-made case was designed for logistic needs to safely transport all the internal and external components of SPYBOAT®.

E-mail : contact@ct2mc.com
Tél. : +33 (0)4 79 33 65 95 – +33 (0)6 15 42 71 04
17 rue Lac Saint André – 73370 Le Bourget du Lac – France
Website: https://ct2mc.com