Booth C1.519

#micropollutants #waterquality #biomonitoring #contaminantsofemergingconcern  #drinkingwater #wastewater

about us :

ViewPoint, is a 30-year specialist in video image processing for medical and environmental research. In partnership with INRAE (French Research institute on Agronomy and Environment) ViewPoint has developed ToxMate, an innovative solution to detect harmful substances in water on site and in real time. ToxMate measures the real-time impact of the presence of chemical pollutants on living organisms.
Micropollutants are invisible, but it is has been proven that they can have consequences on our environment and on our human health. While physico-chemical sensors and analysis show their limits to identify the presence of micropollutants (punctual sampling, long analysis times, limitation of the number of targeted molecules, high costs etc …),  biomonitoring appears to be the best way to provide a rapid, reliable, global and continuous response to the detection of emerging contaminants of concern.
Implanted on site, ToxMate continuously analyses, by videotracking, the individual behaviour of 3 aquatic invertebrates species. The collected datas are instantly processed and analysed and an alert is triggered within minutes if a pollution is detected.
ToxMate detects chemical substances on raw, drinking or waste water , onsite and 24/7 .
The 3 species of aquatic invertebrates present in the station (gammarus, radix and leeches) react to a wide variety of toxic substances and are considered as the best bio-indicators of the level of water pollution.
Deployed in waste water plants; drinking water plants, alert stations or for reuse applications, ToxMate has already demonstrated it’s sensitivity not only to chemical molecules, but to cocktail and recombination effects as well.
ToxMate : a management tool for continuous control of your site
– Continuous monitoring of water flow
– Immediate detection at low concentrations  (μg/L to the order of one minute)
– Sensitivity to cocktail effects
– Alert triggered within minutes in case of micropollutants
– notification of plant managers in case of an alert, by sms or email
– Tracking available online via a secure access
– Data restated for immediate understanding
– Historization of data to better understand and manage, understand recurrence factors and classify different types of events.
– A complete support to optimize the contribution of ToxMate on your site.
Applications :
– Urban/Industrial wastewater plant upstream to characterize the quality of the incoming water and optimize the process. And/or downstream to detect toxicity risks before discharge into the natural environment.
– Drinking water plant at the end of the treatment to determine its performance, and upstream on incoming raw water.
– Alert station : for continuous analysis of surface waters in rivers, in the upstream of a water intake point.
– REUSE : for continuous analysis of treated waste water in view of their reuse for different purposes, such as agricultural irrigation, street cleaning etc …
Meet ViewPoint Water Biomonitoring at IFAT 2024, Booth C1-519

Innovation !

Detection of micro-pollutants thanks to aquatic macro-invertebrates: Optimal solution for real-time water quality monitoring for municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plants, drinking water plants and wastewater reuse.

Discover ToxMate biomonitoring Hall C1 Booth 519.

Are you concerned about the presence of micropollutants in your water treatment plant? Need to characterise the chemical quality of incoming water or wastewater and  looking for solutions to optimise processes?  We provide a practical solution for managers of WWTPs, drinking water treatment plants, etc.

Meet us in Hall C1-519

Micropollutants  are invisible, but they have consequences for the environment and human health. Cosmetics, detergents, solvents, medicines, etc. – there are more than 200,000 molecules present in the aquatic environment, and detecting them is complex. Have you thought about real-time, on-site biomonitoring?

Discover ToxMate – Hall C1 Booth 519


E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)4 72 17 91 92





Booth 517.B

#industry #wastewater #reuse #watertreatment #drinkingwater #filtration

about us :

For nearly 30 years, DAQUA has specialised in the design and manufacturing of filtration systems for public and industrial water treatment, offering its customers industrial expertise in composite and steel filters, pre-filters and HDPE tanks and equipment, as well as pumps.
Ten thousand filters have been manufactured in our factories and are in operation in installations as diverses as: public and municipal swimming pools, hotels, campsites, leisure parks, health establishments – balneotherapy, thalasso, thermal baths – and industrial installations – aquariums, aquaculture-fish farming, quarries, market gardening and irrigation, drinking water production, etc. – both in France and abroad. This gives DAQUA unrivalled feedback.
Drawing on this expertise, DAQUA offers products that meet the needs of its customers – operators, installers and distributors – and provides a responsive, high-quality maintenance service tailored to the constraints of their operations.
DAQUA listens to its customers and works with them to design and build sustainable installations that preserve the water cycle.

Drawing on its experience in the treatment of public pool water, DAQUA has developed a range of composite filters for a wide range of applications. Mechanical filtration for the treatment of public (drinking & waste), industrial and leisure water.

DAQUA controls the entire process from design to delivery on site. DAQUA filters are designed to work with all conventional filter media such as sand, hydroantracte and glass beads. But also zeolite, activated carbon, biogas, etc;

All DAQUA composite products are manufactured in France.

Whatever the liquid you need to store (chemical, food industry, pharmaceutical, perfume, water treatment, etc.), we can offer you a solution in plastic materials such as :

– HDPE, which is economical, compatible with food and drinking water, UV-resistant and has a wide range of chemical resistance,

– PPH for low-cost storage at high temperatures,

– PVC for surface treatments,

– PVDF, a very high quality polymer with excellent resistance to chemical agents, very good resistance to ageing and good properties.

DAQUA tanks are 100% recyclable, even after 30 years of use. The material used fits perfectly into a circular economy.

As a manufacturer of filtration systems, DAQUA has developed skills that it has been able to put to good use in its maintenance department:

– The filter media used in all DAQUA filters are essential for optimised operation.

– Composite materials are used to manufacture our pressure vessels. We have developed expertise in a wide range of applications.

– Steel and stainless steel are an integral part of our skills in the manufacture (bottom grids, bubble plates, etc.) and maintenance of our filtration equipment (steel filters, cathodic protection, etc.).

– With a 1,000m² factory dedicated to plastic sheet metal work, DAQUA has the expertise to repair or modify your HDPE, PE, PP and PVC equipment.


Josselin PICHERITDirector
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)2 40 78 09 09 – +33 (0)7 60 19 62 85

27 rue de la Petite Meilleraie, 44840 Les Sorinières – France




Booth 417/516.C

#robotics #pipe inspection #water sampling #CCTV #3D point cloud #mud level monitoring

about us :

Independent engineering company specialized in the development of innovative robotic products, CT2MC‘s vocation, since its creation in 2012 by Olivier LE MEAUX, is the development and manufacturing of industrial products combining robotics, innovation, composite materials and automation.
To limit its impact on the environment, CT2MC strives to advance the state of manufacturing techniques and develops processes and products that are more environmentally friendly. The use of biosourced materials is part of one of these major axes, as is the choice to base production in France to limit consumption and the impact on resources.
CT2MC operates in different areas:
• The manufacturing of robots for pipe inspections especially in  sewerage water background,
• The development, prototyping and manufacturing of robots with composite material integration,
• The manufacturing of several ranges of aquatic drones carrying out environmental monitoring and analysis missions (available for sale or rental):
• The SPYBOAT® range: aerial propulsion drones
• The INN’EAU range: drones with thrust in the water, floats, etc.
• The CAN’EAU range: specific to inspections of confined spaces (pipes, tanks, etc.)
• The inspection services for surface water or confined spaces with the different products in the range.
Our innovation and Research and Development capabilities have been rewarded by several prizes from ADEME (French Ecological Transition Agency), such as recently our project to deploy our aquatic drones rewarded by the call for projects “Companies committed to the ecological transition”.

Equipped with high technology, the CAN’EAU® “Rotating Sonar” collects different types of data:

• Inspection of works (ITV): thanks to its 360° camera and several lamps it can make a continuous video recording of the pipe from all angles. In post-processing, the operators are able to orient themselves in the work as if they were inside it.

• Location: thanks to UWB positioning beacons the operators can  situate themselves at any time in the work.

• Sedimentation: using a rotating sonar, creation of a profile sedimentary over the entire structure

• Presence of gas: our products are capable of detecting and locating the presence of gas (H2S, CO, O2 and CH4) in the work

• Digitalization: Embedded lidar technology makes it possible to create sectional views of the horizontal and vertical pipes, to carry out 2D sections of pipe and subsequently create a summary 3D reconstruction (without texture).

• 3D modeling: thanks to photogrammetry, our products models any type of work in 3D , models than can then be into GIS.

• Pipeline trajectory: on-board technologies allow to bring out a file X Y Z and georeference the work.

As an option is the propulsion: 4 aerial turbines for automatic positioning in driving and visual piloting.

Equipped with high technology, the CAN’EAU® “Removal of doubt” collects different types of data thanks to the following functionalities:

• Inspection of works (ITV): its camera 360 allows making a video recording in continuous pipeline from all angles. In post- treatment, the operators can orient themselves in the work as if they were inside.

• Lighting: thanks to several lamps.

Optional :

• Location: Our UWB positioning beacons the operators can situate themselves at any time in the work.

SPYBOAT® were specifically developed to meet the requirements for use in strong currents and lakes with great distances. Our product contains electronic components and algorithms which make it autonomous when conducting its missions. Inspection and sampling operations are performed by manual remote controller with a real-time video feedback and an optional autonomous control via a pad interface.

Technical features of the GOOSE model make it easily transportable on all sites by only one person. A custom-made case was designed for logistic needs to safely transport all the internal and external components of SPYBOAT®.


Olivier LE MEAUXChairman
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)4 79 33 65 95 – +33 (0)6 15 42 71 04

17 rue Lac Saint André – 73370 Le Bourget du Lac – France




Booth 417/516.D

#Water #Effluent #Recycling #Reuse #Anaerobic Digestion #Reut-Reuse

about us :

CALLISTO specializes in the fields of Engineering, Water Treatment and Recycling. CALLISTO offers an effective and pragmatic approach, a factor in the development of its customers. Our approach includes feasibility studies, treatability tests, source reduction, process optimization and the design of production, Reuse or water treatment units, whether fixed or
mobile. CALLISTO has been implementing for more than 30 years both conventional technologies and the most advanced ones alone or in a complete chain with production of biogas from anaérobic treatement of organic wastewaters.

CALLISTO has been operating the VOLVO group’s first entirely ZERO DISCHARGE site for 20 years, studied, designed and built by our teams.
The project consisted of restructuring the production tool to reduce the volumes of effluent to be treated, then separating the flows according to their composition to pre-treat them specifically. In the end, after physico-chemical treatment and by evapo-concentration, the treated water is 100% recycled in the plant.

CALLISTO has been operating the first agri-food sector site in the Occitanie area for 6 years, ensuring the production of Drinking Water Grade water from the treatment of its waste for
The unit, entirely studied, designed and built by our teams, includes pre-treatment, a biological membrane reactor and water production by membrane process.
The recycled water is reused for washing lemonade bottles with a 60 to 70% reduction in water consumption. The water distributed has the same health guarantees as drinking water.

CALLISTO signs a contract with the Terra Lacta Group for the construction of its new effluent treatment and recycling station as part of the creation of its new Laiterie Les Fayes plant.
The future facility will produce 65% of the plant’s natural gas needs. This project is supported and financed by the Water Agency because it is a priority in the perspective of access to
energy autonomy for French industrial sites.


Richard ARCOSExecutive Manager Marketing and Commercial Director
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)5 55 30 55 14 – +33 (0)6 71 01 53 67

68 rue Paul Claudel




Booth 417/516 – H

#water #waste #optimization #savings #supervision #AI

about us :

For more than 25 years, Simpliciti has been diversified its offer with ever more innovative and efficient solutions.
We support cities and companies to monitor and optimize water networks, waste collection activities and public transportation.
Our mission: With technology, make the citizen actor of greener, more connected and more efficient cities.
In this context, we provide solutions to 2000+ municipalities such as Lyon Métropole, Cannes, Casablanca, Bordeaux, Brussels, Cannes, and companies (Keolis, Veolia, Pizzorno, Suez, Urbaser, etc.) and also UN HCR.
In Europe, Middle East, Africa and Canada, we deliver our solutions by integrating new functionalities but also by associating local partners for more local service.
Water management:
SIMPLICITI and GreenCityzen conceive and implement innovative solutions to digitalize the operation of water networks with applications in 3 main areas.
• Sanitation and rainwater networks: our customers are the network operators.
• Irrigation of green spaces: our clients are the municipalities.
• Access to drinking water: our clients are NGOs.
These solutions generate knowledge about networks from connected sensors and business applications, with main benefits:
1. Improve performance and operating efficiency
2. Preserve the resource: often water savings (e.g. 50 to 70% for intelligent watering)
3. Reduce the environmental footprint: less carbon footprint (shorter intervention routes: 40%), less waste released into the natural environment (waste from the rainwater network or discharge from the sanitation network)
Waste management :
SIMPLICITI provides the digital platform GEORED for managing waste collections as well as the associated equipment on collection vehicles. This solution allows:
• The traceability of services.
• The optimization of waste flow management.
• The optimization of collection tours.
It allows easy monitoring of waste collection operations in the field by offering a mobile or tablet application
Our innovation capacity combined with our expertise allows us to offer customized and avant-garde solutions for sustainable cities like CITI’ID (One of 1000+ solutions elected by Solar Impulse Foundation), which assures traceability of collected bins or new functionalities of waste recognition to detect dangerous or forbidden objects in real time.
The combination of SIMPLICITI products and custom-made support services are the ingredients of successful digitalization projects realized with many customers in Europe, overseas territories and Africa.

Solution for measuring the level of clogging and waste in sanitation and stormwater networks. By continuously monitoring the clogging and waste level, operators and communities can now optimize maintenance. This approach significantly reduces the risks of pollution and flooding.

The application offers the precise referencing of all infrastructure (drains, sewer grates), efficient intervention management.

On average, this solution reduces unnecessary travels by two to four times while substantially increasing the amount of waste captured. Managers of stormwater and sanitation networks can make informed decisions, reduce operational costs, and contribute to environmental preservation.

A connected H2S gas monitoring solution, specifically designed for sewage networks, pumping stations, and urban environments.

The HummBox H2S offers a 8 ppb precision and can measure very low H2S values above ground or within the sewage network. It operates on a battery or can be powered by a solar panel.

Benefits include the ability to anticipate and objectify complaints from residents, protect infrastructure, and optimize and reduce treatment costs.

The mobile/PC application allows real-time map visualization, sends alerts in case of critical threshold exceedance, and identifies recurring issues. This innovation is a step towards cleaner, safer, and more efficient sanitation management.

SIMPLICITI digital platform allows the traceability of services, the optimization of waste flow management as well as the optimization of collection tours. Data is available everywhere for each user and citizen.

With CITI’ID, a unique on-board screen displays data about operations and routes to the RCV driver. So, he can supervise and enrich information collected on the bin-lift (RFID, quality by AI, weighing…).


Ludovic GINESTE Ecosystem relations and strategic projects manager
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0) 4 67 47 60 00




Club ADEME International

#Environment #Sustainability #Innovation #Water #Energy #Waste

about us :

The Club ADEME International is a business network of 140 French companies, supported by ADEME, that develops innovations and services contributing to addressing environmental and energy issues:
–          Energy/waste/water management,
–          Renewable energies,
–          Sustainable city,
–          Mobility,
–          Air quality…
These companies, mostly SMEs, are used to adapting their expertise and know-how internationally and in a constrained environment.  
The Club’s mission is to federate and promote French expertise internationally and bring together the public and private sectors to best address global environmental issues.
Through the Club’s initiatives and extensive partnerships such as with Business France, members benefit from access to calls for project proposals, major trade events, meetings with foreign delegations, and opportunities to build consortiums aimed at international markets. Furthermore, the Club shares guidance and information, particularly on available funding, as well as feedback from other SMEs, to best prepare its members to develop their activities abroad. Finally, the Club provides visibility for its members and their international undertakings, acting as an important communication actor.
To sum it up, the Club ADEME International is here to match your needs with the best sustainable technologies and services.

Water management and circular economy :

The Club presents a wide range of innovative solutions for water management: efficient, low-energy water treatment processes, leak detection in urban networks and predictive maintenance, desalination of seawater using renewable energy sources, etc. The same applies to solutions for the circular economy, with the treatment and recovery of all types of waste.

Energy transition :

The Club ADEME International represent SMEs with deep-rooted expertise in energy transition and efficiency projects that present innovative solutions which offer the best technologies with continuous project support and conduct technical studies.

Sustainable city : 

The Club has strong expertise to offer in this domain: it counts as members key actors in sustainable architecture with widely recognised environmental quality approaches. The Club also has innovations in air and sound pollution, green mobility, public lighting, etc.


Robin VILLIÈS Club Coordinator
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0) 1 47 65 20 16

155 bis Av. Pierre Brossolette, 92240 Montrouge, France




Booth 423/522.A

#fittings #valves #pipes #Sorodist #independant #water

about us :

Founded in 1992, Sorodist is an independent family-owned company and has developed and grown to become the market leader in its sector.
For over 30 years Sorodist has been the specialist for pipes, fittings and valves. We share our experience and offer our quality products to professionals in France and in more than 45 countries around the world.
We select our products according to 3 key criteria: quality, precision and reliability. Our range includes over 7000 references that have been chosen to meet clients’ needs. Together, with our partners, we develop and innovate to create needs-based product ranges for our customers
We choose our manufacturing partners extremely carefully, working with high quality products that are made to conform with strict international norms & standards (NF, KIWA, ACS, ISO, WRAS, etc.) giving you excellent quality goods, you can rely on.
We know that it is essential for you to be able to rely on high quality products that respect the need to save water.
Our products are certified and comply with various national and international standards (NF, ISO, WRAS, ACS, DVGW, KIWA…). Thus ensuring the use of the best raw materials, strict quality controls and calibrated production.
With a comprehensive range of thermoplastic fittings and valves, from Ø 12 mm to 400mm and a permanent stock of over 7 000 references, we can offer you one of the largest selections in the market today. Our products are specifically aimed at professionals in the pipe business, whether your market sector is water treatment plants, industrial sites, swimming pools, irrigation and watering systems or any other pipeline project, you can surely find what you need in our range.
With 4 warehouses in different regions of mainland France and over 30 000m² of storage, Sorodist has fast lead times and great flexibility for its customers.

PVC Pressure Pipes, Valves & Fittings

Our comprehensive range of UPVC pressure fittings, valves & pipes, from Ø 12 mm to 400mm is one of the largest on the market today. Our PVC Pressure fittings are perfect for high pressure conditions (PN16 or PN10) and are made with the best raw materials and are certified NF, KIWA & WRAS.

PE Electrofusion fittings

Our Electrofusion fittings are made from PE 100-RC and produced in accordance with international standards. They can be used with any universal welding machine, the welding indicators show when the process has been correctly completed. This modern pipeline system is versatile and can be used for different gas and water uses.

CPVC pipes & fittings

Our CPVC range is perfect for hot water installations, and certain chemical applications. CPVC allows much higher temperatures than regular UPVC, but with all the advantages of a plastic system (easy and quick to install, versatile, etc.).


Erika REGUANTExport manager
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)4 48 07 09 80 – +33 (0)7 76 04 73 18

3 avenue Gustave Eiffel, BP 37 – 66201 ELNE CEDEX – FRANCE

Website :