French Cyber Days

Montreal | Oct 25-26

The French Cybersecurity Ecosystem

Driven by an evergrowing and dynamic network of keyplayers – from startups and incubators to R&D centers, schools, and large-scale events –, the French cybersecurity market has experienced considerable growth in the last few years, reaching record investment and job creation levels in 2022 (source: Campus Cyber).

Selected for their innovativeness and cutting-edge technology, the 7 companies of Business France’s degelation will represent the country’s expertise in the field and come meet potential partners during the French Cyber Days at InCyber Forum North America 2023.

Key Figures (2022)

339 million

euros raised through 38
fundraising initiatives


cybersecurity startups
and 31 scaleups


jobs, i.e., a 16%
growth year-on-year

2023 exhibitors

2023 Partners

Contact us

Request a meeting with one of our exhibitors (or more)!


  • * Champs requis

  • Personal information is collected and processed by Business France. It is a requirement so that the event can be organized and you can receive any information relating to its activities. Business France (or a member of Team France Export: French administrative regions, French Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Bpifrance) may use this data in order to offer you products and / or services that could be useful for the growth of your international business. To exercise your rights or if you do not wish to recieve proposals from Business France concerning its activities, services or events, please go here.
    To find out more : Personal Data Protection Charter.