Technopole de l’environnement Arbois-Méditerranée, Pépinière cleantech, Domaine du petit Arbois , Avenue Louis Philibert 13100 Aix-En-Provence
: +33 6 68 27 13 71
Aviation is now undergoing a transformation with the advent of electric technology, autonomous flight and the essential reduction of its impact on the environment.
Vertical flight is being revolutionized by drone technology, which today can be applied to bigger vehicles. The concept of flying cars is now a reality that the greatest of aeronautics are studying.
MACA wants to help pave the way for these new vertical take-off (eVTOL : Electric Vertical Take Off and Landing) flying vehicles (which will be much more reliable, less noisy and cheaper than airplane or helicopter) by developing a HVTOL vehicle piloted by a man onboard and using the Hydrogen energy source.