SERGE AGNERO, Regional Managing Director – AGL

Serge Agnero is a senior executive from Côte d’Ivoire with nearly 35 years of international experience. Currently Regional Director Gulf of Guinea at Africa Global Logistics (AGL), he covers four countries: Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic and Equatorial Guinea. In 2019, Serge Agnero joined AGL as Project Manager at the headquarters in France, before taking up the position of Director of AGL in Gabon, then Regional Director in Cameroon.

Holder of a master’s degree in science and technology from the University of Cocody and an engineering degree from the École Nationale Supérieure d’Électrotechnique de Toulouse, he began his career in 1989 and has held several positions of responsibility in various sectors and regions. In particular, he was Director in Africa and Asia for the Unilever Group, where he coordinated regional expansion projects, as well as at Canal+ as Managing Director in Côte d’Ivoire and then in Reunion Island.